Remedial Therapy Sheffield​
What is Sports Massage?

​Fundamentally it's addressing your soft tissue complaints. And whilst as a massage therapist I don't have any rights to diagnose (this should come from a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Osteopath or GP), I work with my clients to establish what their complaint is and I'm very specific!

If you have an issue, I'll find it. All my clients finish the session with the muscle release or pain relief they required.

I may be able to help with any of the following:

Back Pain/Lower Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Neck Pain
Sports Injuries
Tennis Elbow
Strain Injury

These are just a few examples and you're welcome to seek my assistance with any complaint that may be remedied by body massage.

Your Treatment

​Your care will be tailored to suit the needs of your body and could include any of the following:

- Deep tissue massage
- Trigger point therapy
- Treatment for myofascial pain syndrome
- Swedish massage (effleurage / petrissage)
- Relaxing massage to reduce stress levels
- Treatment for common sporting conditions:
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Shoulder Impingement
- Patellar Femoral Pain Syndrome
(runner's knee)
- Tennis elbow

Deep Tissue Massage
Right: Hamstring stripping using a deep knuckle technique.

Below: Releasing TFL, with active flexion and extension of the hip joint​​.